Hicbir Yere Cikmayan Yol
Zeynep 60 yoshlardagi yolg'iz ayol bo'lib, kino sohasida mukofotga sazovor bo'lgan yetakchi aktrisa bo'lgan, lekin uni endi hech kim eslamaydi. Zeynep o‘sha yillarda yoshlik orzusi bilan aktyorlik faoliyatini cho‘qqilarga ko‘targan bo‘lsa-da, turmush o‘rtog‘i tirikligida farzand ko‘rishini o‘z karerasiga to‘siq sifatida ko‘rdi. Asta-sekin karerasini va imkoniyatini yo'qotgan Zeynep uchun
Zeynep is a lonely woman in her 60s who was an award-winning leading actress in the cinema industry but nobody remembers her anymore. Zeynep took her acting career to the top with the ambition of youth in those years, but she saw having a child while her husband was still alive as an obstacle to her own career. For Zeynep, who gradually lost her career and the chance